Container development roadmap

January 2019

  • v1.6.11-html

  • v1.6.11-full

Debian based, large, "proof of concept" versions that nevertheless work. Difficult to explain and having lots of "technical depths".

July 2019

  • v2.2.6

Ubuntu 18.04 base, small, much cleaner, some of the technical depths dissolved.

Has issues:

  • There still are issues with security, as pointed out by the TYPO3 security team.

  • Prettyprints the html code while postprocessing, which seems to introduce unwanted blanks in the html pages.

August 19, 2019

  • Release of v2.3.0

Cleaner, technical depths reduced, more functionality, online manual added, can build html, singlehtml,, latex.

Should prevent 'javascript:' and 'data:' vulnerabilites of a.href and img.src.

Allows passing all parameters from just one source jobfile.json.

Adds data in _buildinfo that can be used at deployment to generate Google sitemap files.

Improves SEO by adding rel="nofollow noopener" to external links if not pointing to * or *

Uses Python2.7 internally. Python2 is deprecated and support ends in 2020.

Uses Sphinx 1.8.5 due to being stuck on Python2.

What needs to be done next

  • Upgrade everything to Python 3

  • Having Python 3, upgrade Sphinx to latest version 2.x

  • Care about the issues regarding our theme t3SphinxThemeRtd

    Our theme is based on version of the sphinx_rtd_theme that is older than four years but has developed since then. Consider a rebase?