Releases v2.7 (2021-01-21)

  • v2.7.0, December 16, 2020, lots of improvements

  • v2.7.1, Jan 6, 2021, style index page

  • v2.7.2, Jan 21, 2021, bugfix


NEW: Styled index page

New in version 2.7.1.

The index page now has CSS styling.

The list items on the index page genindex.html are shown top-left aligned without list symbols. The layout works well on small display like cell phones:

Screenshot showing part of the index page

NEW: objects.inv.json

New in version 2.7.0.

Each manual now has a objects.inv.json in its start folder.


A start page:

Sphinx creates a cryptic binary file objects.inv with link information in the manual's root folder:

The rendering container now provides that information as a objects.inv.json JSON file as well:

NEW: Helper script dockrun_t3rd.bat for Windows

New in version 2.7.0.

Windows users now can use the helper script dockrun_t3rd.bat similar to the script for Linux and Mac users.

NEW: Making use of extra wide screens

New in version 2.7.0.

Changed in version 2.8.0: This feature was removed. We are awaiting a better solution.

For the sake of good readability and "beauty" the HTML theme is limiting the width of the content area to a certain maximum:

Screenshot of HTML page layout with limited content width

However, the larger your screen is the more space is wasted, which can be annoying if you want to see extra wide tables or code blocks.

NEW: You can now make your browser window really wide (>1.800px) to trigger a mode switch. With that all of your window will be used for content:

Screenshot of HTML page layout with full width content


UPDATED: Improve styling of line blocks

New in version 2.7.0.

Indentation levels are now shown correctly. The rendering is feature complete.

See the reStructuredText Markup Specification for a technical description of line blocks.

See line blocks in the Demo docs.

UPDATED: Improve styling of block quotes

New in version 2.7.0.

The attribution now appears aligned right and with a larger font size.

See the reStructuredText Markup Specification for a technical description of block quotes.

See block quotes in the Demo docs.

UPDATED: Use Ubuntu 20.04 as base image

New in version 2.7.0.

The container is now based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. The OS name and version is now part of the 'versioninfo' output. When called with the --version option the values for OS_NAME and OS_VERSION are shown as well:

Screenshot of the text output when called with the --version option

UPDATED: Allow exclude_patterns in settings files

New in version 2.7.0.

exclude_patterns can be specified in Defaults.cfg, Settings.cfg, Overrides.cfg

UPDATED: Show better explanations in console output

New in version 2.7.0.

The container now does a better job in explaining at the end of the run why the job has succeeded or failed.

The final exit result will either be 0 or 255. The rendering is considered successful if the main Index.html file of the html-build exists. So in this case the Docker container finishes with exitCode=0. Otherwise the final result will be exitCode=255 to signal failure.


REMOVED: Sphinx extension googlemaps

Changed in version 2.7.0: Sphinx extension removed

The Sphinx extension sphinxcontrib.googlemaps was removed because it didn't work any more.

REMOVED: Sphinx extension googlechart

Changed in version 2.7.0: Sphinx extension removed

The Sphinx extension sphinxcontrib.googlechart was removed because Google has stopped that charting service.