Releases v0.0 to v2.6.1 (2020-05-27)

Release v2.6.1

Released: May 27, 2020

  • With sphinx_typo3_theme v4.2.1 there now is a headline "PAGE CONTENTS" above the menu of intra-page links.

  • Bugfix: If the container finds Python packages in wheel format (*.whl) in /WHEELS these will be installed on the fly before rendering. This now works. That way a new Python package can easily be tested.

    The dockrun_t3rd function is looking for a folder tmp-GENERATED-Wheels - as sibling of Documentation-GENERATED-temp and map that as /WHEELS into the container.

Release v2.6.0

Using sphinx_typo3_theme v4.2.0, sphinxcontrib.gitloginfo v1.0.0 (new), toolchain RenderDocumentation v2.10.1.

  • Toolchain: FINAL_EXIT_CODE should now be trustworthy and either have value 0 (success) or value 255 (failure). 0 means, the toolchain came to an end and at least the build step for html was successful. 255 indicates a failure where either the toolchain didn't come to normal end or html wasn't built.

  • Theme: 'last modified' date appears in page html head section if available.

  • Theme: 'Last updated' in the page footer with a link to the latest commit.

  • Theme: Search result pages with highlighted search text show a link to deselect the hightlighting.

  • Theme: The intra page menu is now appended to the left menu column to fix the - so called - "missing third menu level" issue.

  • Theme: The logo is now defineable in the theme configuration file theme.conf.

  • Toolchain: dockrun_t3rd makehtml -c allow_unsafe 1 to skip the extensive and time consuming html postprocessing, to skip file include checks and to allow the reST 'raw' directive.

  • Toolchain: dockrun_t3rd makehtml -c sphinxVerboseLevel n'. With `n=3 the Sphinx build will be started with three times -v. This would mean sphinx-build -v -v -v

Bug fixes:

  • Theme: Remove false warnings about illegal theme options

  • Toolchain: Remove pip warnings about Cache dir not writable.


  • Generated html code is looking much nicer!

Release v2.5.1

  • dockrun_t3rd makehtml -c remove_docutils_conf 1 to allow the reST 'raw' directive

Release v2.4.0

  • new: powerful jobfile.json can configure everything

  • new: 'confval' directive and textroles

  • new: 'include' and 'literalinclude' can access every file of the project, not just those in ./Documentation/ (read more)

  • new: use absolute paths for includes, like .. include:: /Includes.rst.txt (read more)

  • new: use your own custom Sphinx theme or do theme development

  • fixed: rendering of localized manuals

Release v2.3.0

  • much smaller image

  • caching works

  • can create html, singlehtml, latex, package

  • all sphinx extensions included and working

  • security improved: xss prevented when rendering for the server

  • security improved: raw-directive disabled