Livereload using Gulp (WIP)ΒΆ

WIP - work in progress

The procdures on this page work, but you may find you have to adapt something for your usecase, for example an absolute path.

Run yarn once:

yarn add gulp
yarn add gulp-livereload
yarn add gulp-load-plugins

Update .gitignore:


echo '/**/node_modules' >> ../.gitignore
echo '*GENERATED*' >> ../.gitignore

Create shell script:


docker run --rm \
   t3docs/render-documentation:v2.3.0 \
   show-shell-commands \
   > ~/.dockrun/dockrun_t3rd/

Run the build repeatedly:


source ~/.dockrun/dockrun_t3rd/
cd ..
mkdir -p tmp-GENERATED-logs
dockrun_t3rd  makehtml-no-cache \
   > tmp-GENERATED-logs/dockrun_t3rd-makehtml.log.txt

Use this as gulpfile.js:

const { series, watch } = require('gulp');
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const loadPlugins = require('gulp-load-plugins');

// load all our Gulp plugins
const $ = loadPlugins();

function watchSrcTask(cb) {
  const globs = ['../README.rst', '../', '../Documentation/**/*'];
  console.log(`watching ${globs} ...`);
  console.log('listening on 35729 for livereload ...');
  watch(globs, {"delay":200}, function(cbb) {
    build(function () {});
watchSrcTask.description = 'watch src files, rebuild and livereload on change';

function build(cb) {
  console.log('building ...');
  // to do: get rid of this specific path specification
  // node: we need the rel->abs path function. Which one is it?
build.description = "run build'";

function usage(cb) {
  msg = 'Usage:\n';
  msg += '  gulp --help\n';
  msg += '  gulp --tasks --depth 0\n';
  msg += '  gulp build\n';
  msg += '  gulp watch &\n';
usage.description = 'show usage'; = build; = usage;
exports.usage = usage; = watchSrcTask;
exports.default = series(usage, build, watchSrcTask);

Find some info:

Run gulp:

cd gulp-livereload
gulp usage
gulp --help
gulp build
gulp watch

Run gulp invisible using 'screen' (manpage):

((clean up and explain the following))

screen -dmS t3docs gulp

# detach from screen with ctrl+A,D
screen -r

# kill: 1557825792:0;screen -X -S 9023 quit

# something useful in this history?
: 1557825827:0;screen -S diaryblog gulp
: 1557825930:0;screen -S diaryblog
: 1557826053:0;screen -S diaryblog -d -m gulp
: 1557826062:0;screen -ls
: 1557826153:0;echo screen -S diaryblog -d -m gulp >>
: 1557826160:0;cat
: 1557910323:0;screen
: 1557910332:0;screen -a
: 1557910424:0;which screen
: 1557942671:0;screen --version
: 1557943119:0;screen -r t3docs
: 1557943191:0;screen --help
: 1557943196:0;man screen
: 1558001108:0;screen -dmS drd gulp
: 1558102159:0;screen -r
: 1558346526:0;screen -dmS t3docs gulp

Install the livereload extensions for Firefox and Chrome.