Basic renderingΒΆ
Rendering is the process of building final documentation from source files. TYPO3 documentation is basically written as a set of text files. Rendering is the process whereby the source files are read and process to produce final documentation in some other format like html.
Let's assume:
Your system is Linux or Mac. Ubuntu, for example, as Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) is fine.
You are working on the command line in a terminal window.
Docker ist installed.
You downloaded the Docker Rendering Container DRC as described in chapter Quickstart of the README file.
For the sake of this documentation let's assume you have a project with a
./Documentation' folder like so: :file:`~/My-Projects/PROJECT/Documentation
Now do the rendering:
Open a terminal window, go to the PROJECT root folder (not the
subfolder) and run the container:cd ~/My-Projects/PROJECT dockrun_t3rd makehtml-no-cache
If the rendering succeeds, you should see zero as final exit status:
Final exit status: 0 (completed) Find the results: ./Documentation-GENERATED-temp/Result/project/0.0.0/Index.html ./Documentation-GENERATED-temp/Result/project/0.0.0/_buildinfo ./Documentation-GENERATED-temp/Result/project/0.0.0/_buildinfo/warnings.txt