Advanced usage

This page:

Use you own theme

New in version v2.4.0-dev.

The syntax given here makes use of the dockrun_t3rd function.

Provide the theme

  1. Locate the folder with the local Sphinx theme you want to use. For example:

  2. Assume a project ~/project:

  3. Provide the theme. There are two possibilities: Create an envvar or use a folder. The envvar method has higher priority.

    1. Using envvar T3DOCS_THEMES

      Set the variable to the containing (=parent) folder of the theme:

    2. Create a folder with the special name tmp-GENERATED-Themes:

      mkdir -p $dest_dir

      Copy themedir into the folder:

      cp -r $theme_dir $dest_dir

      You may then rename the folder that holds your theme to a name you like. It is that folder name that you will have to mention later in the configuration of your rendering.

Select and use the theme

  1. In $project_dir/Documentation/jobfile.json write:

       "Overrides_cfg": {
          "general": {
             "html_theme": "Specify-FOLDER-NAME-of-desired-theme-here"
  2. Render:

    cd $project_dir
    dockrun_t3rd  makehtml  -c jobfile /PROJECT/Documentation/jobfile.json