Customized rendering


Process *.rst documentation and produce output as html. Make use of Cache files if possible. Always build html output and the Cache:

dockrun_t3rd makehtml

On success the result will be:

├── Documentation
│   └── Index.rst
└── Documentation-GENERATED-temp
    ├── Cache
    │   └── ...
    └── Result
        └── project
            └── 0.0.0
                └── Index.html

If Cache files are available Sphinx will try to use them and rebuild output only for files that changed. For a large project this may drastically reduce rendering time. However, structural changes, like menu changes, may afterwards not be correct in files that were not rebuild.

Advice: Always do a complete rebuild in the end. To achieve this, just remove the Cache folder and render again. For convenience the action makehtml-no-cache is available, which does exactly this.


This is just a convenience command, equivalent to removing the Cache and then running makehtml:

dockrun_t3rd makehtml-no-cache


First of all makeall works like makehtml and creates output format html. Cache is always created and reused if available and possible.

Additionally an attempt is made to produce formats:

  • singlehtml (everything in one html file)

  • latex

  • package (html version in a ZIP file, suitable for offline reading)

If format html could be produced the final exitcode of the container run will signal SUCCESS.


dockrun_t3rd makeall

The resulting file structure:

├── Documentation
│   └── Index.rst
└── Documentation-GENERATED-temp
    ├── Cache
    │   └── ...
    └── Result
        ├── latex                          <- LaTex
        │   ├── PROJECT.tex
        │   ├── PROJECT.typo3.tex
        │   └──
        ├── package
        │   └──                <- package
        └── project
            └── 0.0.0
                ├── singlehtml/Index.html  <- singlehtml
                └── Index.html

On success you should typically see the following in the messages:


Final exit status: 0 (completed)

Find the results:



This is the convenience command to first remove the Cache and then run makeall:

dockrun_t3rd makeall-no-cache

Additional options

Example: Additionally build the singlehtml version:

cd project
dockrun_t3rd makehtml  -c make_singlehtml 1

Example: How to add many options:

cd project
dockrun_t3rd  \
   makehtml-no-cache  \
   -c allow_unsafe 0  \
   -c disable_include_files_check 1  \
   -c make_html 1  \
   -c make_latex 0  \
   -c make_package 0  \
   -c make_singlehtml 0  \
   -c remove_docutils_conf 0  \
   -c replace_static_in_html 0  \
   -c sphinx_build_options '-j auto -n -N -T -v'

Of interest for users. Showing the defaults for makehtml:

-c allow_unsafe 0
-c disable_include_files_check 1
-c make_html 1
-c make_latex 0
-c make_package 0
-c make_singlehtml 0
-c remove_docutils_conf 0
-c replace_static_in_html 0
-c sphinx_build_options '-j auto -n -N -T -v'

Defaults for makeall are:

-c make_latex 1
-c make_package 1
-c make_singlehtml 1

Of interest for developers or outdated:

-c activateLocalSphinxDebugging 0
-c debug_always_make_milestones_snapshot 1
-c force_rebuild_needed 1
-c ignore_lockfile 0
-c latex_contrib_typo3_folder None
-c lockfile_name lockfile.json
-c make_pdf 1
-c makedir None
-c rebuild_needed 1
-c resultdir None
-c reveal_exitcodes 1
-c reveal_milestones 1
-c smtp_host None
-c sphinxVerboseLevel 1
-c talk 1
-c themesdir "/THEMES"
-c try_pdf_build_from_published_latex 0