Drop the usual Includes.rst.txt file

This page:

Method 1: Include the file

The usual TYPO3 convention. Works everywhere. But often paths need to be adjusted after copying pages to another level.

We have the convention to always include a project-wide Include.txt file at the top of each reST file.

Method 2: Define in Settings.cfg

Untried alternative. Works everywhere. No path adjustment.

As an alternative you may specify the content of that file as setting rst_prolog in the Settings.cfg file in the general section. See the Sphinx docs about conf.py.

((Todo: figure out, elaborate, describe))

Method 3: Define in jobfile.json

Works for local renderings with the Docker container. No path adjustment.

Consider a common includes file Includes.rst.txt with the following content:

.. This is 'Includes.rst.txt'. It is included at the very top of each and
   every ReST source file in THIS documentation project (= manual).

.. role:: aspect (emphasis)
.. role:: html(code)
.. role:: js(code)
.. role:: php(code)
.. role:: typoscript(code)
.. role:: ts(typoscript)
   :class: typoscript

.. highlight:: php
.. default-role:: code

Instead of putting includes to the top of each and every reST file you can pass these settings to Sphinx once as rst_prolog in jobfile.json:

  "Overrides_cfg": {
    "general": {
      "rst_prolog": "\n.. This is 'Includes.txt'. It is included at the very top of each and\n   every ReST source file in THIS documentation project (= manual).\n\n.. role:: aspect (emphasis)\n.. role:: html(code)\n.. role:: js(code)\n.. role:: php(code)\n.. role:: typoscript(code)\n.. role:: ts(typoscript)\n   :class: typoscript\n\n.. highlight:: php\n.. default-role:: code\n",